Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mix and Mash!

You and Cousin Billy are in charge of making the cranberry sauce. Each batch requires two packages of cranberries and a cup of sugar. If there are four tables that need cranberry sauce, how many packages of cranberries will you need? How many cups of sugar?

Eat That Turkey

There are twenty people eating dinner at your house. If each person is going to eat two pounds of turkey, which one would be the best choice? Explain why.

A. 25 lb. turkey
B. 35 lb. turkey
C. 45 lb. turkey

What Lengths Will You Go To?

Before setting the table for dinner, Aunt Sally asks you to measure the length of the table to make sure there is enough room for everyone. Using a ruler, you determine that the table is twelve ruler lengths. How many inches is this? How many feet? How many yards?

Note: 1 foot=12 inches

1 yard= 3 feet

Who Likes to Eat?

Before Thanksgiving dinner, you polled each of your relatives about their favorite Thanksgiving food. 1/2 of the people said their favorite was turkey, 1/4 said their favorite was stuffing, and 1/4 said their favorite was mashed potatos. Based on this data, what food should you make the most of?

Its Pie Time!

When it came time for dessert, you noticed that the pumpkin pie had a radius of three inches. If r=3, what is the circumference of the pie?

Note: c=2πr

Stuff It!

You are helping Grandpa Willy and Grandma Rose make the stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner. If the recipe calls for three cups of water. If there are sixteen ounces in a cup, how many ounces will you need?

Dustin' Off Those Chairs!

There are twelve chairs in the dining room that you can use for Thanksgiving dinner. If twenty people are eating dinner at your house, how many chairs will you need to bring up from the basement?

Analyze This Bird!

Look at the picture of the Turkey below. Are there lines of symmetry? Print off the picture, and draw the different lines of symmetry that you see, if they exist.

Who's Cooking?

There are three different ovens that you can use to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Oven one has two racks, oven two has three racks and oven four has four racks. If two items can fit on one rack, and you have seven items to put in the oven, which oven should you use to cook?

The Colors of Thanksgiving

Using the data below, make a graph of the different colored shirts your relatives wore to Thanksgiving. What color was worn most often? What color was worn least often? Use the graph to support your answer.

Blue Shirts- Uncle Bob, Aunt Sally and Grandma Rose

Red Shirts- Uncle Tom, Grandpa Joe, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Billy and Cousin Joanne

Purple Shirts- Cousin Johnathon, Aunt Rosemary, Mom, Grandpa Willy, Cousin Erica, and you!

Brown Shirts- Dad and Grandma Ruth

Green Shirts- Brother Christopher, Cousin Katie, Brother Dustin and Sister Siobhan

Leafs, Turkeys and Pilgrims, Oh My!

When setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner, you notice that there are three different types of plates. One has a leaf pattern, one has a turkey pattern and one has a picture of a pilgrim. If there are twenty different plates in all, what is the chance that you will sit at a place with a turkey plate?

How Hot Is Your Turkey?

Uncle Bob asked Uncle Tom to check the temperature of the Turkey. What unit of math would Uncle Tom use to report his answer? What measurement tool would be helpful in finding the temperature?